Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap. I was sat in the coffeeshop adjacent to my condo, staring at my computer screen, the cursor blinking, my mind racing, pen tap-tap-tapping the tabletop. My gaze wandered to the guy sitting next to me, who shot me a sideways glance, one that distinctly read: “I’m-about-two-seconds-away-from-shoving-that-pen-down-your-throat-sweetheart.” I mouthed […]

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Life + Work

Impostor Syndrome: Getting Over Self-Doubt
How to avoid feeling overwhelmed

“I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be… whelmed?” Ahhhh, classic ’90s teen movie quote (points to anyone who can name that flick). Although I don’t even know the answer to that though-provoking piece of pop culture history, I do know that the feeling of being overwhelmed […]

5 Ways To Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed

Living Well

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I can remember the first time I fell neck deep into the blogging industry’s obsession with perfection. I was sitting in my flat in the UK, with This Renegade Love still in ‘private’ mode, not yet unleashed unto the world. I had spent months creating content to load up the site, working back-and-forth with my designer on the branding […]

Embracing Imperfection


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16 Things to Stop Giving a Shit About

Have you noticed that the older you get…. the less you care about shit? Don’t get me wrong – I care a helluva lot about my family, my friends and building a business (amongst other things). But the things I used to stress about in my teens and into my twenties? Couldn’t care less, really. […]

15 Things To Stop Giving a Shit About

The Good Life

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Etsy sriracha williamsburg thundercats literally vinyl selfies distillery squid humblebrag. Glossier church-key subway tile squid, artisan pop-up pok pok letterpress disrupt dreamcatcher tacos edison bulb. Hashtag shaman seitan.

Five ways to level up your social today!

Better than Free Ice Cream!

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