The Good Life

8 Instant Mood Boosters

Try these 8 instant mood boosters to take you from womp-womp to woo-hoo.

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Well, it’s officially that time of the year again – the days when you wake up well before the sun rises and finish work as the sun has already set. Living a life of darkness, you’re in desperate need of a little vitamin D and a healthy dose of positive energy.

Sometimes all we need is a natural mood booster to get us feeling like ourselves again – here are 8 ways to beat the moody blues in winter or any other season.

Sweat it Out

On those days when you’re slothing around the house and feeling a bit blah, the best thing to boost your mood is throwing on your sneaks and get some movement in. Exercise releases endorphins, the powerful chemical in our brains that boosts our spirits and makes us feel good. Don’t have time for the gym? Spend 10 minutes in front of the mirror, blasting your fave happy song and just dance it out.


Play with Pets

The promise of a dog to pet is pretty much the only reason I’ll commit to going anywhere, and it’s no surprise that floofs are now used as emotional therapy for everything from stress to mild depression. If you’re feeling down, spend some time with your furry friend and reap the rewards of unconditional love. You’ll get an instant hit of the warm fuzzies.



Meditation has become increasingly more mainstream, and for good reason – the benefits are endless, improving your emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. I find that when my mind is racing from anxiety or I’m feeling overwhelmed, simply taking 15 minutes to stop and meditate does wonders for my mood. The best part? You can meditate anywhere for a mood booster, whether it’s the peacefulness of your own home or with noise-cancelling headphones at your desk during lunch.


Sing in the Shower

And I mean sing. Like, at the top of your lungs. Hit those high notes like your life depended on it. You will instantly feel a boost simply by giving your all to a catchy, uplifting song. My fave tunes for belting the blues out? Aint No Mountain High Enough, Right Back Where We Started From and I Wanna Dance With Somebody.


Get Outside

There are days where I literally do not speak to a single soul. If my husband is away on business and I’m cooped up inside trying to meet a deadline, my vocal chords don’t even get a stroll around the block. Those are also the days I get totally inside of my head, questioning everything about life and my purpose in this world (it’s amazing how deep shit gets when you’re alone with your thoughts). And sometimes all it takes to boost my mood is just stepping outside, breathing in some fresh air and interacting wth people – even if it’s the barista at the coffee shop or cashier at the grocery store.


Cut the crap

As much as you might want to indulge in all the sugary, fried comfort foods when you’re feeling down in the dumps, it’s actually better to fill up on nutrient dense foods to boost your mood naturally. Opt for Omega-3 rich foods like fish, and folate dense leafy greens like spinach to take things from womp-womp to woo-hoo.


Reflect on What’s Good

Sometimes all you need to feel better is to put shit into perspective, ya know? When life’s getting you down, take some time to reflect on the positive things in your life and what you’re grateful for. The Five Minute Journal is a great way to start and end your day on a good note, actually writing down the reflections on your day and penning goals for the next.


Burn the (essential) oil

Smell is the strongest of all our senses and is the one most likely to influence brain activity. Saje wellness actually carries an entire collection of ‘happiness’ diffusers that include essential oils like lemon, lavender, rosewood and mint, known to boost moods and renew energy. Just add a few drops to your diffuser in the morning and start the day with your spirits lifted.


What do you do to put yourself in a good mood?
Share your mood boosters and feel-good secrets in the comments below!

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  1. keepupwithliv says:

    Have you ever tried the app Headspace?! I think you would really like it! It is also good for anyone starting mediation 🙂


  2. Gabriella says:

    Love this post, Lauren!

    I totally get down from SAD this time of year! So far I’ve been okay knowing that a tropical vacay is on the horizon! But when I can’t get away I totally try to bring the outside in, and surround myself with bright flowers and lovely scented candles. A good workout always help me, too.

    xx Gabriella

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I'm a Brand & Content Strategist with 15 years of experience in helping businesses craft their brand story and build trust through authentic storytelling.

I'm Lauren, the creator of This Renegade Love and your new brand BFF.


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Lauren McPhillips

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