Brand + Blog

7 Creative Ways to Repurpose Old Content

Free up more time in your biz by repurposing old content in creative new ways.

7 things brands look for in influencers
The books that changed us
8 creative insta story ideas

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Taiyaki occupy farm-to-table swag fashion axe four loko. Church-key palo santo selvage.

Hands up high if you struggle to create new content sometimes (you can’t see it, but my hand is wavin’ away…).

The truth is, part of being a business owner these days is producing content, and it can be exhausting to constantly create new posts for social and marketing, forever strategizing on ways to get more eyes on your work.

That’s where repurposing old content comes in.

Think about it – you’ve likely created hundreds of blog and social media posts over the years, and a lot of that content is probably still relevant. Content that perhaps your current subscriber list of 30k didn’t see back when you posted it and had a list of just 10k. Content that likely took you hours and hours to create.

Here are 7 creative ways to dust off that old content and repurpose it to save you time (and money!).


1 Create a Weekly Feature on Insta Stories

Insta Stories changed the game for Instagram users in many ways, one of which is the ability to directly link to content outside of the app. As a brand, this is a prime opportunity for you to drive traffic to your site – both new and old. Try doing a themed weekly series where you can promote old content to your followers, like ’20-minute Monday dinners’ with a link to a recipe, or ‘Mid-week Motivation’ linking out to one of your most-loved workout routines.


2 Turn it into a Live session

Have a blog post that warrants a lot of discussion? Maybe a how-to or a hot topic? Turn that post into a live session either on Instagram or Facebook. I noticed that a lot of people were reaching out on Instagram daily, asking for advice on working with brands, and remembered a post I wrote two summers ago on what brands look for in bloggers. The content was still applicable and fresh, so I scheduled an Instagram Live session and just spoke to each of the points in the post. The content was new to many people in the session, and it allowed for further discussion to be had. Take some time to look back through old posts and see what would make for a great Live session – if the content is already there, why not share with a new audience?


3 Integrate into your e-Newsletter

Newsletters (although a valuable marketing tool) can be tough to keep on top of – they’re just ANOTHER piece of content that you have to create, whether it’s weekly or even monthly. Streamline by seeing where you can repurpose old content from your site. It can be a round-up of your favourite makeup tips shared on the blog throughout the year, or even your top 5 travel pics (with links to see more on each post). However you decide to do it, repurposing relevant old blog content into your newsletter frees up more time to create fresh, new content!


4 Repurpose into a Content Round-up or List

Everyone loves a good list. Whether it’s ’10 Soup Recipes to Keep You Warm This Winter’ or ’16 Looks That Never Go Out of Style’, content lists are easy-to-digest and mega clickable. Take a peek back through old content and see what posts (or even just images) you can repurpose into a new blog post or Instagram Story. If you can actually link through to the original content to read more, even better – you want people clicking around your site as much as possible, and referral links (even if internal) are great for SEO.


5 Create a Pinterest Infographic

Pinterest is an incredible traffic driver, a great way to keep old blog content fresh and is very visual. Dig into old content from other social channels/your blog to see what would make an attractive Pinterest infographic – think a 5-step recipe or a 10-minute workout for killer abs. If graphic design isn’t your forte, head over to Canva and create an infographic using one of their templates.


6 Re-share Seasonal Content Every Year

Evergreen content is always best for your site, however, you can still create seasonal content that stands the test of time. For example, I have a blog post on ways you can give back during the holiday season – although I wrote it several years ago, the content is still relevant every time December rolls around – I’ve turned it into Stories and included in newsletters. The same goes for summer recipes or a post on 5 ways to tie a scarf in winter – just make sure you clean it up before sharing each season, making sure there are no dead links or references that could date your story.


7 Repurpose into a Downloadable freebie

Looking for an incentive for your e-mail signups? Maybe you’re trying to drive more traffic from social? Well, there’s nothing people love more than getting the goods for free! Create freebies that your community can access from your site and simply download for their own use. If you’re a food brand, it could be a downloadable guide of 30-minute meals, or as a photographer, your secrets to capturing the perfect sunset shot.


How do you repurpose content to make it fresh?
Have you tried any of these before?
Share your thoughts, successes and errors in the comments below!

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  1. Agnes W says:

    Haven’t really tried re-purposing old content before but always wanted to. Thanks so much for sharing your useful tips!

  2. Kate says:

    This was incredibly helpful! I’ve used tip #4 before but never really thought about your other great suggestions. As always, I love your posts 🙂

    • Lauren | This Renegade Love says:

      Cheers Kate! I just did a Insta Story this morning of Monday Motivation (with three old posts) and have already gotten 150 click-throughs to my site. That’s 150 clicks to content without having to produce anything new!

  3. Katie says:

    Okay, so smart. I loved that Instagram Live you did – had no idea it was an old blog post!! So I’m proof that old stuff actually does reach new people hehe 🙂

  4. These tips are awesome and are just what I needed to read. My one bummer is that I can’t directly link to my posts in insta stories. Is that feature accessible to those with a certain number of followers? It would be so helpful!! Can’t wait to put these practices into motion and get good content a second life! Thank you!

    • Lauren | This Renegade Love says:

      Hi Laurel!

      I know that once you have a business account you should be able to do that (one of the reasons I switched to a Business Account).

  5. Humara says:

    This is awesome! I’ve actually don’t the IG stories tip and that day and day after I had a huge increase in traffic on my blog. Great tips!

  6. Monica says:

    This might be a silly question, how can I link outside content in IG stories? I’ve tried unsuccessfully and trusty Google told me that only verified accounts are able to do that. Am I missing something?

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I'm a Brand & Content Strategist with 15 years of experience in helping businesses craft their brand story and build trust through authentic storytelling.

I'm Lauren, the creator of This Renegade Love and your new brand BFF.


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Creative branding strategies and solutions for small businesses and influencers.

Lauren McPhillips

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