
7 Blog Maintenance Tips to Keep Content Fresh

Question – how much time do you spend on blog maintenance every month? If the answer is *crickets, I get it – it’s much more fun to spend time on creating NEW content. But what if I told you that spending even a few hours each month on blog maintenance could increase your traffic, keep […]

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Question – how much time do you spend on blog maintenance every month?

If the answer is *crickets, I get it – it’s much more fun to spend time on creating NEW content.

But what if I told you that spending even a few hours each month on blog maintenance could increase your traffic, keep readers clicking around your site AND encourage sharing?

Over the years, I’ve come to realize that people are stumbling upon my older blog content ALL the time from all different sources – whether it’s through Google, Pinterest or Instagram Story highlights – and what was once fresh content can become outdated in just a matter of months.

Keep scrolling for 7 simple blog maintenance tips that will keep your content fresh and increase engagement on older posts.


1) Update related content with new links

A good blog will always have users clicking around to discover new content, whether there’s internal links embedded within posts or a feature spotlight on the homepage. A good blog maintenance rule of thumb: whenever you post new content, comb through old posts and embed links to the new content.


2) Update old/outdated copy

Some of my most consistently high-performing posts feature social media tips and brand advice – and although the tips are often evergreen, I check those posts often to ensure the information isn’t outdated. Similarly, I have posts that include app recommendations, podcasts or speak to specific dates – things that can quickly make old content seem, well, OLD.  To ensure that blog content is fresh for new readers that stumble upon it, sift through old posts to update copy, dates, and external links.


3) Change up old photos

Have an older post that gets a lot of traffic, but the old images make you cringe? I get it – sometimes the photos you shot for old posts no longer match your current brand identity. Where possible, update old posts with more recent photos (or even graphics if that’s easier) to freshen up your site and keep it consistent. When updating, remember to include your post’s keywords in the ‘Alt Text’ and ‘Title Text’ for stronger SEO.


4) Add Pinnable images

For any older posts that still get a lot of traffic/interest, optimize them for Pinterest with ‘pinnable’ images. Long graphics with enticing copy perform best on Pinterest, and by updating old posts, you’re making it easy for readers to pin from the source and share with their own audiences. If you’re struggling with design, head over to Canva for some free templates or Creative Market to browse designs to buy.


5) Revisit post keywords

Wondering why some posts aren’t getting as much traffic from search engines ? It could be that you didn’t pay enough attention to SEO back when you started. Although a bit more of a time-intensive blog maintenance task, updating keywords on old posts can be hugely beneficial to improving your site’s SEO. Use Google Keywords to determine the best keywords for your post, and update the copy/images/headers with the new keywords (here’s a fairly detailed post on how to use Google Keyword Planner).


6) Add content upgrades

A content upgrade is a bonus piece of material that relates to a topic that your reader is already engaged with – like a pitch template featured on a post about working with brands. Content upgrades are a great way to grow your e-mail list – ‘Subscribe to my list to access my FREE pitch template’ – and ensures you’re attracting your ideal reader to your list as well. Look through relevant old posts to add links, graphics or pop-ups that drive to your new content upgrades. You never know who is stumbling upon that old post about ‘The Five Best Ab Exercises’ – including your content upgrade might help you secure them as a new subscriber!


7) Update your ‘About’ page

The About page you penned when you first launched your blog is probably not the About page it should be a year later – by now, you likely have a few accolades and highlights to shout about! Edit your page to include new highlights like brand partnerships, content collaborations, speaking engagements, media coverage, etc. This is your chance to brag a little about your accomplishments and is the part of your site that EVERYONE will take a peek at if they’re interested in working with you!


Am I missing anything? What do you do to freshen up your blog?

Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. Natasha Bolvin says:

    wow, so many useful tips here! thank you!

  2. Inksplore says:

    Excellent advice. Revamping the older posts is equally as important as a seo crafted new content, because the core algorithm of search engines change, so do the impact ranking of each page also, result of which could be a negative point association because of older contents.

    Growing a blog is like growing a plant in a backyard, nurture it now and nurture it often- you just don’t go on planting new saplings without taking care of the older ones. Thanks for the insights. Really enjoyed reading it.

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I'm a Brand & Content Strategist with 15 years of experience in helping businesses craft their brand story and build trust through authentic storytelling.

I'm Lauren, the creator of This Renegade Love and your new brand BFF.


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Lauren McPhillips

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