My whole life I have looked up to women. In my grade 8 yearbook, while everyone else listed aspirations of being an actress or athlete or singer, I shared that I wanted to be a ‘businesswoman’ (vague in my dreams, I know, but  hey, the intention was there). In university, I chose my career […]

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9 Things I've Learned From Badass Girlbosses
How to Plan a Creative Retreat Like a Boss

Ask any freelancer what they love most about working for themselves, and nine times out of ten they’ll say ‘flexibility of schedule’ – getting to choose their own hours instead of the ol’ 9-to-5 grind. Don’t get me wrong, freelancing is hard AF (saving for taxes, never knowing when you’ll be paid, hustling to find […]

How to Plan a Creative Retreat Like a Boss


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Impostor Syndrome: Getting Over Self-Doubt

Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap. Tap, tap, tap. I was sat in the coffeeshop adjacent to my condo, staring at my computer screen, the cursor blinking, my mind racing, pen tap-tap-tapping the tabletop. My gaze wandered to the guy sitting next to me, who shot me a sideways glance, one that distinctly read: “I’m-about-two-seconds-away-from-shoving-that-pen-down-your-throat-sweetheart.” I mouthed […]

Impostor Syndrome: Getting Over Self-Doubt

Life + Work

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Renegade | Alyssa Bertram, Easy Period

How many of you have had an idea – a great idea! – that never took off because you were too scared to try? For 25-year-old reasearcher Alyssa Bertram, the idea was there – developing a way for women to always have tampons on hand when they needed them – but self-doubt and apprehension kept […]

Renegade | Alyssa Bertram, Easy Period


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Etsy sriracha williamsburg thundercats literally vinyl selfies distillery squid humblebrag. Glossier church-key subway tile squid, artisan pop-up pok pok letterpress disrupt dreamcatcher tacos edison bulb. Hashtag shaman seitan.

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